In his recently aired “60 Minutes” interview, the president of the United States did not hold back in sharing his thoughts about billionaire presidential aspirant Donald Trump. For Obama, Trump is a publicity-seeker who is banking on the anti-immigrant sentiments of many in the Republican Party. Obama thinks that Trump has tapped into something that is real and existent within the Party. The Democrat president believes that there is genuine anti-immigrant sentiment among a significant number of Republican primary voters, not just a negligible minority opinion.
On the other hand, when Obama was asked what he thought about Trump’s chances in becoming the next president, he said that he does not think the real estate magnate will end up becoming a president of the United States. To emphasize, Obama did not just say that Trump would lose in the next elections. The first black president of the United States thinks that Trump will never become a president of the United States. His exact words: “I don’t think he’ll end up being president of the United States.”
Naturally, these comments would leave the potential Republican presidential bet outraged. It didn’t help that Obama called Trump a “classic reality TV character” and that he is not surprised to see Trump getting a lot of attention in the early stages.
Trump Fires Back
Upon learning about Obama’s comments, Trump took to Twitter to describe the President as “terrible” on this 60 Minutes interview. He particularly highlighted Obama’s prioritization of climate change, implying that all current disasters should be accorded equal concern.
Trump continued his criticisms in the Monday morning show Fox & Friends. The real estate mogul said that he doesn’t get why Obama is more focused on climate change when the US has other problems that are supposedly easily fixable. He thinks that climate change is not America’s problem. Also, Trump expressed strong disapproval to the White House’s support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. He calls it a “disgusting trade deal.”
Trump cited how former Secretary of State and leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton already had a change of heart as she opposed the trade deal just a week ago. In a self-praising playful-but-not tone, he said that Hillary Clinton finally gained some smarts that she decided to change her opinion on the trade deal. “She probably heard my stance,” trump asserts.
Obama’s Prediction, ‘Negativity’
On Obama’s prediction that he will not become a president of the United States, Trump did not have a serious or combative response. He just said “he (Obama) can’t say.” The business mogul was more fixated on how the interview was allegedly filled with so much negativity. “I thought it was sad, because everything’s negative, there’s nothing positive.” Trump says of Obama’s 60 Minutes Interview.
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