There are movies that are based on real-life stories. There are also fiction or fantasy stories that mirror true to life scenarios. Wars can be fought and many manage to survive, whether it’s fantasy or reality. By the same token, the ravages of a harsh winter, where food becomes scarce, is an issue where the outcome is difficult to predict. In the world of the Game of Thrones, where there are constant threats from all points, surviving a winter that could last for a generation would take a miracle.
It’s a recurring plot that is predicted to once again besiege all the kingdoms in the very popular TV series, the Game of Thrones.
A Real Worry for Game of Thrones
In the series, they are now worried about the dragon, but they will soon face an even bigger worry because winter will descend on them in the very near future. The lack of food is one huge issue.
The Game of Thrones is a fantasy series, but some of the problems covered in the story are real. You can see how elements, such as the psychologies of the different major characters, the politics and the strategies and tactics for battle resemble reality.
In Game of Thrones Season 7’s recent episodes, the need to beef up their food stock before winter sets in is a recurring theme. Not too much focus is given to it because the kingdoms still have many issues to settle. But it will gain prominence.
In Game of Thrones Season 2, Bronn had discussed it already. When he rounded the thieves in King’s Landing, he explained his reasons to Varys and Tyrion. He said that it’s starvation that kills many people, not the fighting. He added that food is more valuable than gold.
Although he was not directly referring to winter and the lack of food back then, what he said applies to any situation. If you are confined in an area, which in their case is the castle, food will essentially be extremely important. The effect would be very noticeable especially if the entire kingdom would be confined within the walls of the castle.
Scarcity of Food
The Seven Kingdoms of the Game of Thrones do not have too many food sources. In the North, it seems that it’s only Sansa who realizes the importance of stocking up on food for the coming winter. In Episode 3, she was discussing the food situation with Maester Wolkan of Winterfell. According to Maester Wolkan, they have 4,000 bushels, which is enough to last them a year, based on the current occupants of their castle.
She then asked the length of the longest winter that occurred in the last 100 years. Maester Wolkan did not have the exact date but he said that he would check the records. Sansa deduced that there is a probability that they would not have enough food. The situation is likely to be confounded if the armies of the North come to defend them in winter.
Sansa said that they would have to prepare for the possibility. Winterfell is the best place in Game of Thrones for refuge from whichever direction the threat will come from. She said that they have to build their grain stores with regular shipments and return whatever will be left.
That is forward planning, which could eventually save thousands of lives. This is something that people are advised to do, especially for people who live in areas that are difficult to reach. We’ve read of stories of people, especially the senior citizens who are snowed in and need to be rescued because they do not have food and heat.
If Old Nan’s legends are true in Game of Thrones, the longest winter, also called the Long Night, lasts for one generation. It is also the time when the White Walkers come to visit.