On October 26, we reported about how a hashtag from the Philippines broke Twitter’s record for the most number of tweets for a hashtag. The number reported turns out to be lower than the actual count as clarified by no less than Twitter.
Twitter Singapore, on October 26, tweeted about the record-breaking feat. The tweet reads: “New global Twitter record: over 41 million #ALDubEBTamangPanahon Tweets for charity concert.” The tweet came with a screenshot of a page of TwitterReverb pertaining to the said hashtag.
Apparently, more than 41 million tweets were recorded for the #ALDubEBTamangPanahon hashtag alone. As mentioned in the earlier report here, some fans were claiming that the actual tweet count was more than 40 million, if the tweets recorded under different but related hashtags were included. These “other” hashtags were allegedly started by parties who wanted to sabotage AlDub’s Twitter feat. Twitter has already reported the official tweet count and it’s even considerably higher.
More than Just Record-Breaking
The phenomenal success of the AlDub tandem is already getting significantly felt globally. Now, it’s not only Filipino fans who are talking about it. Major international news agencies are already picking the story up. Even the hashtag for Adele’s return appeared to have been covered by AlDub-related discussions online.
AlDub’s fame seems undeniably phenomenal that blogs and news sites appear to be writing about it, some being compelled to do so, to capitalize on the traffic generated by stories related to the tandem. The sites of GMA Network, AlDub’s home network in the Philippines, have already been benefitting from the traffic spikes. Interestingly, other sites and blogs, even those not intended for Filipino audiences like Australia Network News and BBC, appear to be taking a cue and writing AlDub-related content thus attracting traffic.
Twitter’s Rishi Jaitly himself commended AlDub, describing it as a global phenomenon. In an interview with an online news outlet in the Philippines, Jaitly affirmed that AlDub tweets are authentic. The question on the authenticity of the tweets was brought about because of critics who have insinuated that AlDub tweets were bot-generated or delivered by some unscrupulous online marketing companies.
Image credit: Twitter Singapore @TwitterSG