When there are disasters and natural calamities, the innate goodness of people come to the fore. There are many stories of heroism and acts of kindness that go unnoticed, and there are some acts that are just too good to remain hidden. All 50 states in the U.S. are experiencing very cold weather, and more and more people are staying at home to keep warm and avoid getting sick. While the able-bodied can manage, the weather situation at the moment is disastrous for the elderly. A pizza shop owner in Ligonier, Pennsylvania decided that he can contribute to the community’s elderly by using his pizza delivery service for delivery for the elderly to deliver goods including prescription medicine for free.
Making use of pizza delivery service
Tom Wynkoop is the owner of Fox’s Pizza Den. He knows his neighborhood very well and he knows that there are a lot of elderly people in his community. With the cold snap, most people prefer to stay indoors, some ordering food from restaurants and food outlets that offer delivery service.
With that knowledge, Tom Wynkoop posted a tweet, urging and reminding people with respiratory issues to stay at home. He gave his cell phone number and offered to deliver food, medicines and other essentials. They just have to let him know and he will do all he can to help and they do not even have to order food from him.
Since Tuesday, Wynkoop said his shop has made four deliveries when the region has sub-zero temperatures. By Wednesday the temperature in their area was subfreezing. Wynkoop reasoned that since his delivery guys are out anyway, then they might as well be there for the community and offer their help in the best way they know how.
Detroit mower gang
In another news, a group in Detroit calling themselves the mower gang usually mows parks in Detroit for free during the summer months so that children will have a place where they can play safely. This winter Tom Nardone, one of the members of the mower gang offered to help people who need their sidewalks and driveways cleared of snow. And so the gang traded their mowers for snow blowers. Giving back to the community is a family affair in the Nardone household. Even his young daughter, Margo, who is only seven years old has volunteered her services. When asked, she said that it is because not many people do this type of work. Nardone said that his snow blower only takes about five minutes to fully clear his walkway and driveway of snow. They are looking for people with debilitating illness and those with mobility issues to offer their help to because they know how difficult it can be to be trapped inside one’s home, particularly with the type of winter weather conditions they are experiencing right now.
Image Credit: Blanket of Snow