The United Kingdom is becoming a more peaceful place to live and work in. This is due to the observation that the rate of murder and other violent crimes is falling faster in the United Kingdom that in other countries in Western Europe. The murder rate has decreased by half. A report mapping the levels of peace in the UK showed that the country’s status has improved in this respect. In fact, every region in the UK has been deemed safer.
The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) is based in Sydney. The organization has compiled data and consolidated it in a report called the UK Peace Index. The Chairman of IEP, Steve Killelea said that the report is a clear indication that in the past decade the United Kingdom has increasingly become more peaceful and that this is directly related to economic prosperity.
Reliable figures
Based on the analysis conducted by the IEP, it is evident that the murder rate in the UK has markedly decreased. In 2003, the murder rate was 1.99/100,000 people and last year (2012), it was down to just 1 per 100,000. In addition the overall rate of violent crimes committed decreased from 1,255/100,000 in 2003 to 933/100,000 in 2012.
The report also highlighted that there is a 10% decrease in the violence rate of 80% of the 344 areas that were surveyed. Findings also revealed that of the 25% of British subjects surveyed who expect to become a victim only 4% of them actually fell victim to violent acts. Apparently, the fear of crime is greater than actual involvement in it.
These numbers were culled from data provided by Home Office. IEP said that the data was cross checked with other sources including the British Crime Survey as well as hospital admission records (alcohol consumption and violent incidence) and alcohol related crimes, among others.
The best and the worst
The most peaceful local council is identified to be Broadlands, Norfolk. There were only eight weapons related crime committed in Broadlands in 2012. Next in line are Three Rivers (Hertfordshire) and South Cambridgeshire. The least violent urban area was Cardiff.
On the other end of the spectrum, the least peaceful area is found in the southern part of London in Lewisham. The homicide rate in this area is more than two times the national average at 2.5. The other four least peaceful areas are Hackney, Lambeth, Newham and Tower Hamlest which are all boroughs of London. Based on the report the top 17 least peaceful areas are all located in London. Glasgow was named the most violent urban locale outside of the capital.
Harbingers of peace
There were many reasons for the decrease in crime rate and incidence of violence in the UK, insisted the report. But the main factors contributing this positive development could be the following: people getting older, increase in wages, better policing practices, and decrease in consumption of alcoholic drinks.
One of the primary factors that have been associated to acts of violence is extreme poverty. This study supports the recommendation of other studies with regard to targeting poverty and unemployment in making inroads to making an area a safer and more peaceful place to live in.